Monday, February 4, 2008

Roy Medley - Introduction


Welcome to a blog which will chronicle our experiences as we visit refugee camps in Thailand and ABC mission work.

Many of us are members of the ABC Taskforce on Burmese Refugees which is helping us respond to the refugees who are being released from the Thai camps for resettlement in the United States (We are anticipating tens of thousands over the next 2-3 years). Duane Binkley, who with his wife Marcia have been jointly appointed by ABC and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship to assist in this ministry, will be leading our group. We are pastors and denominational staff who go to learn in order to better serve as the hands and feet of Christ.

Here is our itinerary. We invite your prayers for us each day.

Feb. 10 - Arrive in Bangkok

Feb. 11 - Thailand Burma Border Consortium (Feeds, clothes and houses all refugees)

International Organization for Migration (Cultural orientation of refugees)

Overseas Processing Entity (Processes all refugees)

Feb. 12 - Leave for Nightlight – Work of Annie & Jeff Dieselberg
(Deals with issues of trafficking, prostitution, exploitation)

Feb. 13 - Arrive Chiang Mai

Lahu Bible School

Feb. 14 - New Life Center (Educational opportunities for tribal young women to provide alternatives to prostitution.)

Center for the Uplift of the Hilltribes (Karen Bible School, center for Ag. and women’s work. Woven goods and Karen language books and resources.

Feb. 15 - Leave for Northern Baptist Office Friday morning worship service
(Gathering of Karen and Lahu church leaders)

Other possibilities not yet confirmed

Feb. 16 - Vans to Mae La Camp.
At Mae La Camp: Bible School, meet people.

Feb. 17 - Worship and Bible School

Feb. 18 - Visit Cultural Orientation Classes, processing for resettlement in Mae La Camp with IOM staff.

General camp visit or Mae Sot town

Feb. 19 - To Umpiem Camp, return to Mae Sot

Feb. 20 - Drive to Bangkok (Approx. 8 hrs but depends on traffic entering Bangkok).

1 comment:

Lance Woodruff said...

I'm former Church World Service / Vietnam Christian Service information officer. I edit at the government-owned Thai News Agency. My wife is Lahu-Kachin-Akha from Myanmar. Three family members have graduated from seminary. We live in Bangkok. Long ago I helped U Kyaw Than and Ruth Cadwallader at East Asia Christian Conference, but now connect with Baptist and Anglican seminaries in Burma. I hope to welcome you to Bagkok and write about your visit for secular and church media. Blessings, Lance Woodruff